i cut my hair last night at 2am. i liked it a lot, even if i do look like Selphie from ffviii.
when i was waiting for my bus, a car of white boi gangstas honked and waved. i thought that was funny.
i'm doing well in this volunteer thing i'm doing. it's all confidential, so i cannot say much (like anyone even reads this...lol). we do role plays in training and today i thought i did poorly, but the trainers said i did well, so i am proud. basically, i'm volunteering to learn how to communicate empathetically/effectively and i can see it working already. i went to bk afterwards and ordered food and it wasn't even stressful. i think, in a way, i adapt to my surroundings and who i'm with for periods of time and adopt their characteristics. the other volunteers are all really nice and focused on doing well in school and in life and i can feel that affecting me in a good way.
i'm really excited to start school in september and maybe get my g2 in the summer and maybe get a job in the next few weeks.
laura, britt, shawn, ashley and i are seeing death cab for cutie in less than two weeks!
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